How to avoid anxiety on Aconcagua

Aconcagua is a very impressive mountain, especially for inexperienced climbers who do not know the secrets of the mountain.It is essential to have a gradual training plan and, if possible, climb some hills to help you become familiar with the acclimatization process, which will ultimately end up being essential when it comes to having a successful expedition in the colossus of America. Many climbers think that it is easy due to the fact that no technical knowledge is needed to climb it, “you just have to walk”.From Confluencia to Plaza de Mulas you have approximately between 7 and 9 hours of walking, which represents a great challenge. The dry and arid climate forces you to drink between 3 and 5 liters of water per day, depending on each person. This will help you not get dehydrated easily. On the way to Plaza de Mulas there is an area called Playa Ancha, without a doubt it is one of the hardest sections of the entire journey, since at a certain point, you do not see anything behind, nor forward.In some people this can be very demotivating since after walking for several hours and not seeing any progress, it is hard Aconcagua 360 RouteIt happened to me to be walking there and really feel that nothing was progressing. The hardest thing is that you feel that your energy is diminishing and you can’t see the progress along the way.After walking for several hours you arrive at a place called “Cuesta Brava” and believe me that it mentions the name.It is a relatively steep and long slope.The interesting thing is that you come across Cuesta Brava when you leave Playa Ancha and your legs begin to take their toll due to fatigue. Unconsciously one believes that after going up the slope the Plaza de Mulas Base Camp will automatically appear. Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but no, there’s nothing. I think at that moment you put your mental strength to the test for the first time. That is the first disappointment.After the summit day, the day from Confluenca to Plaza de Mulas is the longest, so you should not worry if you feel that you had to push yourself too hard at the beginning of the expedition. It is a normal thing that happens to everyone. After you arrive at Plaza de mulas you will have a rest day to recover strength and begin to feel more closely what the next few days will be like in relation to the ascent.Plaza de Mulas is the second largest Base Camp in the world, after Everest Aconcagua Mountain GuidesIn high season there are usually many people so you can meet and exchange advice and experience with people from all over the world. This camaraderie is unique in the world.You will feel that you are in a unique environment and I guarantee that it will give you strength for what is to come. It is essential to be strong in mind at all times, but especially from now on. The hard ascent starts now and you need to be 100% focused. Go step by step, day by day.There is no use worrying about the summit day a week before that happens. That generates anxiety, stress and above all things, it prevents you from thinking and enjoying every day, that’s really what matters.To avoid injuries, anxiety, stress and other discomforts, you have to focus on the moment.Surely you have heard of high-performance athletes who constantly suffer muscle injuries due to stress. Well, on Aconcagua you don’t need injuries to Aconcagua Treks  be regular. It only takes a single muscle injury to leave you out of the expedition and your dream of reaching the highest mountain in America. This is why we ask and suggest that you take it easy while on the mountain. Make smooth and slow movements. A short jog is not the same on the flat as it is at 5,000 meters. The fatigue will be greater and it will take longer to recover.If you add to that that for logical reasons, you will not sleep very comfortably in the mountains, it is essential that you take your movements and effort calmly at all times. Remember that you have to save as much energy as possible to try Summit day successfully. It is already a very harsh environment to spend energy deliberately and without control.You may not notice it at the time, but physical fatigue can take its toll on you at the time you need energy the most, during the day of the summit. As I told you before, it is the day of greatest wear and tear in every sense