How to achieve your goal in Aconcagua?
Aconcagua has been ascended in all seasons. However, ascents in winter or close to winter are exceptional, especially if they are carried out by non-traditional routes. The appropriate time, or not extreme, includes the time interval that covers from the end of November to the beginning of March. It is well known that, in the central mountain range, the most recommended months are January and the beginning of February, due to the stability of the weather, although a hill like Aconcagua always reserves a significant margin of unpredictability regardless of the month of the year.Take route 7 that goes to Chile (Cristo Redentor international pass). The road passes through Potrerillos (km63) and the beautiful town of Uspallata (km113), where the road heads through the valley of the Mendoza River. After passing through the town of Polvaredas (km151) you reach Punta de Vacas (km165), the entry point to access the routes of the Quebrada de las Aconcagua ArgentinaVacas sector (Plaza Argentina). This place (at 2400m altitude) is a small muleteer village that is located at the point where the Las Vacas River, which comes from the north, joins the Mendoza River. Punta de Vacas has enough supplies (it is one of the most important settlements of the National Gendarmerie in the Andean corridor) and also the tranquility of the muleteer How to Climb Aconcaguaenvironment. To access Plaza de Mulas, you must continue to the entrance of the Horcones Valley, 3km further west of Puente del Inca (km182). This locality is at 2700m of altitude, in it are the warehouses of the mule cargo transfer agencies, it is very touristy and populous. Head towards the Portillo ski center. To do this, take route 57 towards the city of Los Andes. After approx. 80km, shortly before reaching that city, take the signposted detour to the east (right) that allows you to connect with route 60 that leads to the ski center (another 61km from here) and to the Cristo Redentor international pass. After completing the customs procedures, continue to the entrance of the Aconcagua Provincial Park, in Puente del Inca or Punta de Vacas (depending on the slope to climb). Mount Aconcagua