Aconcagua Expeditions – Stories and Milestones About the Colossus

Despite being of volcanic origin, Aconcagua is not a volcano. It was formed when part of the earth’s crust sank under the South American Plate after its recent collision. The Andean mountains began to emerge when the orogenesis (generation by orogenic processes or folding of the earth’s crust) of the mountain range occurred. Of the Andes. Its history is divided into three times, according to geological deposits:1.-The first was developed before the Jurassic period. The rocks at its base are sedimentary. The rocks at the bottom of the Valley of the Cows are the oldest, while those that make up its flanks are the second most archaic. Sequences of the Mesozoic era, during which it continued to form its structure. The movements of the tectonic plates lifted and twisted the sedimentary rocks, so today, folds of various shapes are joint. Stacks of glacial deposits and rain-washed materials during the Cenozoic era, increasing in height.Most of the rocks at its summit are volcanic. Most of the vegetation and animal life survives below 4,000 meters of altitude due to the climatic conditions in the upper areas. Pumas (Puma concolor), mountain mice, foxes, lizards, toads, guanacos (Lama guanicoe), and introduced hares can live or hibernate in their skirts several species of eagles and some hawks are seen flying overhead. The condor of the Andes (Vultur gryphus) and the Andean or spiny toad (Rhinella spinulosa) are some of its most iconic inhabitants.The flora is represented by certain species adapted to low temperatures, intense summer solar radiation, and strong winds, such as goat horn (Skytanthus acutus), quirquincho tail (Urostachys Saururus), cockade, yellowwood (Adesmia pinifolia), and yareta (Azorella compacta). In the summer, low-growing cactus species are appreciated. In general terms, open grasslands and grasses predominate where yellow flowers stand out. Since 1983 the Aconcagua climb and its immediate surroundings make up the Aconcagua Provincial Park, protected by the Argentine government, which intends to preserve the natural and cultural values ​​of the site.A mountaineer from Mendoza broke his record in climbing Aconcagua of 6,962 meters high in the 360 ​​° modality, in just 25 hours 23 minutes. He achieved a new mark by summiting 11 times on the highest mountain in America in the current season. Matías Sergo, 29, a porter and a graduate in Physical Education, obtained this unique sports award with the support of the Government of Mendoza, adding the information from the provincial government.The 360 ​​° route is to bypass the “Colossus of America” ​​starting in the Villa de Los Penitentes towards the Punta de Vacas Park, passing Plaza Argentina, to culminate with the ascent to the summit, of 6,962 meters, descending through the normal route of Plaza de Mulas until the access of Horcones and continuing through Punta de Vacas until returning to Penitentes.