In ancient times, various aboriginal peoples lived in the vicinity of Cerro Aconcagua, among which the Araucanians, Huarpes and Pehuenches stood out. Later came the Inca Empire. , coming from the North, imposing its culture, its Quechua language and its religion. As you will notice, the empires always did the same.The extreme altitude, harsh climate and roughness of its steps made access to the region considerably difficult, as well as crossings through it. It is attributed to these circumstances, the few legends that link the great mountain, with the life of the peoples that surrounded it, in clear contrast with other hills such as the Mercedario, where important archaeological sites have been found generically called “Sanctuaries of Height”. All this group of great mountains, was the object of veneration by the primitive peoples that surrounded them, locating in them the residence of their gods, considering them great natural temples, depositing in them offerings, and remains of their most beloved and respected dead. .Only in the 19th century, historical events in direct relation to the Colossus of America began to be recorded. In 1817 General José de San Martín, “First Mountaineer of America”, overcomes the high border crossings between Argentina and Chile, through the Andean giants Aconcagua, Mercedario and Tupungato. To the north and south of the first, he crossed an army of 5,300 men, with 9,280 mules and 1,600 horses, through passes over 4,000m, a true feat for the time. Mount AconcaguaBetween the months of February and March 1883, the German explorer Paúl Gussfeldt has the great merit of being the first, who, in the company of some muleteers and laborers, carried out the first known exploration of Cerro Aconcagua. He entered through Chile, following the course of the Putaendo River, Valle Hermoso, Volcán River and Portezuelo de Penitentes, accessing the northwestern edge of the mountain, reaching up to 6200m.Gussfeldt disclosed his expedition through various publications, and made it known that it was the highest mountain in America, since at that time it was believed to be Chimborazo (6310m) located in Ecuador. In his honor, the Glacier was baptized with his name. located north of Aconcagua Guided Climb . The Swiss guide Mathias Zurbriggen, a member of the expedition led by the English mountaineer Edward Fitz Gerald, reached the summit of Aconcagua alone for the first time on January 14, 1897, by the north or normal route, which he accessed by Horcones Valley, days later Stuart Vines and Nicolas Lanti, members of the same expedition, reached the summit along the same route.Juan Stepaneck, an Austrian, and Miguel Gossler, a German, residents of Mendoza, attempted a new ascent of Aconcagua by the normal route at Aconcagua Expedition the end of January 1926. Exhausted his work license, Gossler descends, continuing Stepaneck alone and never returned. He is the first known victim of Aconcagua. Her body was rescued in a remarkable state of preservation, 20 years later, at 6600m, by the expedition led by Lt. First Valentin Ugarte.