Getting Ready for Aconcagua Hiking Downhill

Adventures can be both risky and rewarding, depending on a wide variety of factors. Following a fruitful excursion, you should be rested, energized, and ready to depart. Read our advice on what to do when hiking downhill.

What is the best way to train downhill?

Unfortunately, not everyone lives near hills, but there is still a way to get in shape for downhill hiking: walking up and down them. For example, on our Inca Trail tours, you’ll walk down steep, rocky stairs over several days. These stairs are between 700 meters (2,296 feet) and 1,000 meters (3,280 feet). Scree and rock will force you to descend 2,800 meters (9,186 feet) in a single day on Kilimanjaro, putting a strain on your legs and knees. After days of hiking, you finally reach your destination, only to realize that you must now backtrack, usually in less time than it took you to get there. Your joints will feel the strain of a downward Aconcagua hike. It’s a given that a downhill hike will be harder on your muscles and joints than an upward one. You should employ efficient training methods to lessen the toll on your body. If you know how to descend correctly, you’ll save energy and time. Remember that a staggering eighty percent of accidents occur on the descent.

Uphill and downhill hiking

While planning for an uphill Aconcagua hike is simpler, every ascent has a corresponding descent. The body needs to be trained for downhill hiking, particularly the knees. Add 3–9 months of sport-specific training to your training plan, depending on the trip and your present level of fitness. Hiking downhill requires specific training that should not be disregarded. To maintain healthy knees and muscles throughout the year, try doing the exercises below regularly. As your hiking trip nears, you can progressively increase your rep count.Over time spent under stress or through deliberate motion, one develops muscle. Various exercises targeting different leg parts, from the hips to the ankles, should be considered when planning a strength training program.

Hiking Downhill: Tips for Success

  1. When climbing Aconcagua, your hiking footwear should not be too snug. If you’re hiking or trekking downhill, be sure your footwear is nice and snug. They are not so tight that they cut off circulation.
2). When descending steep, uneven terrain, it is vital to keep your pack as still as possible by tightening the hip belt and shoulder straps.
  1. Extend the length of your trekking poles if you bring them. A bar that is too low will force you to extend unnecessarily forward, throwing off your balance.
  2. Trim your toenails before a long downhill, like Kilimanjaro.
  3. As you descend the mountain, keep your balance and center of gravity low and over your legs.


Thanks for reading if you were curious about how to improve your downhill hiking training. We have guided thousands worldwide on hiking, trekking, and climbing Aconcagua trips. Our staff members have invaluable advice on preparing for your next journey. It’s impossible to provide a universally applicable training program, but we can assist you in developing a regimen tailored to your specific goals and the demands of your selected journey.