From very remote times the desire to reach the top of the highest mountain in America invaded the spirit of explorers, scientists and athletes. Already in 1833 the German Paul Gussfeldt with very few elements from every point of view – inaccurate cartography, precarious clothing, lack of pre-existing data from other expeditions – manages to reach 6,560 m.a.s.l. and with this feat he lays the foundations of mountaineering. Years later, in 1896, an important expedition led by the English scientist Edward Fitz Gerald sought a different route from the one undertaken by Gussfeldt and entering through the Valle de las Vacas, in Argentine territory, looking for the foot of the hill passing through Puente del Inca and then through the Valley of the Horcones, thus finding the most propitious route that is currently used.AconcáguaIn 1897, a member of Fitz Gerald’s second expedition, the Swiss Mathías Zurbriggen, reached the summit for the first time of Aconcágua on January 14. Four weeks later, in the company of Stuart Vínes and Nicolás Lanti, he reached the top for the second time.The first Argentine to get the summit of Aconcagua was Lieutenant Nicolás Platamura, as part of an Italian expedition, on March 8, 1934. Until 1946, the summit had been reached twenty times by expeditionaries of different nationalities, including counts the first entirely Argentine exploration in 1942. In 1949 the first female conquest took place by Adriana Bance Aconcagua Mountain GuidesWe close the chronicle of the many attempts and achievements to reach the top of the “stone sentinel”, mentioning the 1954 expedition, made up of several Frenchmen led by René Ferlet, who made their way through the very difficult south wall, in which there are slopes of 3,000 meters that must be overcome with artificial climbing systems because it is a compact mass of ice and stone Aconcagua TrekkingFor all that is stated in this section referring to the cultural resources of the Aconcagua Provincial Park, there is no doubt that its historical legacy is extremely valuable, with Aconcagua constituting a milestone and an emblem of Argentine identity. The possibilities offered by the area are multiple and range from a simple picnic contemplating the fascinating landscape to climbing Mount Aconcagua. But given the diversity of places and the strict rules that visitors must comply with, first, conventional tourism will be discussed, and second, sports tourism. This a beautiful experience to live