The Aconcagua de Mendoza Park is surrounded, to the north and southwest, by the ravine and the Valley of the Horcones. In the Park, you will be able to find large and splendid glaciers, a water reserve, and important archaeological sites. In this sense, it is the preferred setting for mountaineers.But, What can I do on Aconcagua?The Park will offer you multiple possibilities, from a simple picnic where you can glimpse the fantastic landscape to the Aconcagua Ascents. In addition, it is made up of areas in which various well-differentiated activities can be carried out.The Horcones Valley is the one destined for tourist activities in general, such as recreation and observation. This Valley will allow you, as a tourist, to take panoramic photographs, observe the fauna and flora characteristic of the site, take walks, and do other relatively intense recreational activities.Through the Horcones Valley, you can be climbing Aconcagua, where some of the most common activities are excursions, mountain climbing, camping among nature, and trekking. In this way, in the Aconcagua in Mendoza, you can enjoy a healthy and splendid sports activity, you can walk and observe the beauty that can be seen in the Aconcagua Provincial Park in Mendoza.In short, if you like great heights; if trekking, Aconcagua climb, camping are to your liking if you are willing to enjoy an unimaginable nature if you also intend to do your health good with a beautiful physical activity where the landscape will never cease to amaze you; You cannot miss the Aconcagua peak. This hill is the highest peak in the world outside the Himalayan range.Its 6,962 meters high and its incredible landscapes make it a destination for mountaineers from all over the world. The “Colossus of America” is as longed for as it is wild, and to be able to crown its peak, we must prepare ourselves physically and mentally since it is capable of taking us to the limit of our body and spirit.Temperatures reaching -30 ° CThis mystical mountain is capable of punishing us with temperatures that reach -30 ° C, unstoppable winds of more than 100 km. As if this were not enough, we must add the effect of height that modifies our organism due to the lack of oxygen. But don’t be scared! The more challenging the challenge, the more we will enjoy the triumph. So that your chances of crowning the top are high, it will be essential to have specific equipment that we will tell you about in another post.