The macrofauna of the surveyed area is only relatively abundant within the rodent order, with several members of the Muridae family (Cricetidae for other authors).Such as the Andean launch (Calomys Lepidus) and the Andean mouse (Akodon andinus). Also, among the rodents, the chinchilla (Lagidium viscacha) and the chinchilla rat (Abrocoma cinerea) stand out. An important place is occupied by the guanaco (Lama guanicoe), whose ability to live on steep terrain is superior to that of the vicuña; there are also populations of the emblematic puma (Puma concolor) and the red fox (Lycalopex culpaeus) whose national status considers it close to being vulnerable and appears in Appendix II of the Cites Climb Aconcagua.A complete list of the herpetofauna and batrachofauna of the Aconcagua Provincial Park has not yet been obtained, so we prefer to omit isolated lists. Aconcagua Expeditioncultural resourcesThe primitive inhabitantsAlthough there are still doubts about some aspects of the pre-Hispanic inhabitants of the Cuyo area, it should be stated with sufficient certainty that the territory was already populated at the beginning of the Holocene. In this period bands of unspecialized hunters and gatherers roamed the current territory of Mendoza. Their instruments, made up of a small number of highly differentiated artifacts, were made on flakes and cores and they did not know of hand axes or arrowheads (Rodríguez, 1976). The excavations carried out by the archaeologist Lagiglia in the valleys of the Diamante and Atuel rivers served as testimony to learn that later in the indicated area the ax and bifacial projectile points were already used (these were after the use of the ax). Still later, around 2,000 BC, a date established by carbon 14 registration, the presence of a group different from the previous ones was determined and they used the so-called Gruta del Indio for purposes Aconcagua Guided Climbceremonial or funerary and presumably would come from the Andes of southern Peru and the current territory of Chile. There are studies that refer to other pre-Hispanic cultures that in different periods occupied the surveyed area; In the southern sector, for example, more recently, the influence of the Araucanian culture and language has been intense (Serrano, 2000). In the Hispanic period, the aborigines who occupied the Cuyo area were the Huarpes. They were divided into two groups with different characteristics. The Huarpes of San Juan spoke a language called Allentiac and the Mendocinos a co-dialect called Millcayac (Canals Frau, 1986). western sector, that is, they occupied the territory of the Aconcagua Provincial Park, they were farmers to a small extent but they used artificial irrigation; as weapons they used the bow and arrow and they were not a warrior people. As for clothing, according to Father Ovalle, they dressed in good clothes and men used clothing similar to what we know today as a t-shirt to distinguish their sex. Blankets and woven garments also made up their clothing.